Ten Suspects Arrested in Citadelle Incidents

Police have arrested ten suspects as part of the ongoing investigation into the incidents that occurred during the “Gran Koser” at La Citadelle on Saturday night.
The concert was organised by Hôtels Attitude to celebrate their 15th anniversary in collaboration with La Isla Social Club.
Around thirty masked men stormed in, demanding that the audience evacuate the premises and that the concert be halted. Music instruments were damaged during the scuffle.
Members of the Special Supporting Unit (SSU) were dispatched to the scene to diffuse the situation. The concert came to an untimely end.
Media reports revealed that the holding of the concert in what is considered as a residential area had been objected to by locals.
According to Defi Media, the private security hired by the concert organisers had earlier refused access to police officers on patrol at the area.
These acts of violence were strongly condemned by the political class on Sunday.
Source: Defi Media