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Plans to Export Pineapples and Lychees to China Spark Excitement



Plans to Export Pineapples and Lychees to China Spark Excitement

Mauritius is in discussions with China to broaden its export portfolio, including items like pineapples and lychees, which require a “Pest Risk Analysis” by Chinese experts.

China is a pivotal market for Mauritius, accounting for 16.1% of imports in 2022.

The Mauritius-China Free Trade Agreement, effective since January 2023, has boosted preferential exports, reaching $15 million in the current year.

Previously, exports primarily centred around clothing, sugar, and tuna oil.

The initiative aims to diversify exports, although Chinese authorities must conduct phytosanitary risk analyses before allowing the import of these fruits.

Additionally, an annual tariff quota of 15% for Mauritian sugar in China has been established, with COFCO, a state-owned enterprise, handling sugar imports.

Mauritius’ special sugars require specific product knowledge and marketing strategies, which will be discussed during the Mauritius-China Free Trade Agreement Joint Commission meetings.
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