SIT Land Holdings suspends trading of options on DEM market
SIT Land Holdings Ltd will temporarily suspend the trading of its options on the Development & Enterprise Market (DEM) of the Mauritius Stock Exchange for the period Wednesday 15th February 2023 to Friday 03rd March 2023.
This is due to an upcoming agricultural morcellement project which will be undertaken by the SIT Group at Deux Bras.
In a communique issued on 02 February 2023, the company said the temporary suspension of trading of options is necessary to enable the option holders to trade on an informed basis, and to maintain a fair and orderly market in relation to the project which will be undertaken during the period Wednesday 01st March 2023 to Friday 03rd March 2023.
As has been the practice in the past, option holders will be given priority to participate in the land sale during the said period. Trading of options will resume as from Monday 06th March 2023.
Reservation of plots for the general public will start as from Monday 06th March 2023, in the event there are plots of land available that have not been reserved by the option holders.
Source: Stock Exchange of Mauritius