Police had ‘torture videos’ since 2020 and ignored them

Police have confirmed that they had a USB key containing the videos in which three men were seen as being tortured and an investigation had been opened. But no action had been taken.
It was only after the videos were leaked on social media, causing public outcry, that police authorities have finally reacted, l’Express reported.
“How come that they have been sitting with the pendrive for three years and did not act on them? It seems that the police officers were not even quizzed about the videos,” l’express reported.
Three police officers were arrested on Monday evening and were detained in public custody: Sergeant Reedoye, Constable Gokhool and Inspector Derochoonee.
They have been charged with “torture by public official” and were refused bail on Tuesday by CID colleagues “for their own safety.”
Four other officers who were posted at the Terre-Rouge CID were transferred to other police units.
Opposition MP Nando Bodha, leader of the Rassemblement Mauricien, reacted to the arrest, denouncing that police cannot be investigating themselves. “Where is independence and transparency?”
MMM President Reza Uteem and Labour MP Eshan Joomun also feared attempts to cover-up. “A commission of inquiry is needed. Police cannot investigate into police torture and barbarism,” they said.
Politicians, media and civil rights activists have blasted the Human Rights Commission for not having reacted so far.