Labour MP expelled from Parliament, twice in two weeks

Labour Party MP and President Patrick Assirvaden was expelled from Parliament once again on Tuesday, May 17 by the Speaker of the National Assembly, Sooroojdev Phokeer.
L’Express newspaper reported that the MP was pressing to put a supplementary question to Energy Minister Joe Lesjongard regarding the production of electricity. However, the Speaker said the topic had been discussed comprehensively.
“Faced with the MP’s insistence, the Speaker reportedly showed him out, judging that the behaviour of the MP was inappropriate,” l’Express wrote.
Assirvaden denounced his expulsion as being “arbitrary” and “unjustified”.
He was cited by Defi Media as defending that he was well within his rights to quiz the minister. “I did not insult or abuse anyone.”
Patrick Assirvaden was also expelled last Tuesday, during the debates over the Motion of No-confidence against the government. He had reportedly claimed that MSM MP Kenny Dhunoo was behind the dismissal of Manisha Jooty, a journalist employed by the State-owned MBC/TV.