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Padayachy on Opposition: They’re trying to create a climate of tension



Padayachy on Opposition: They're trying to create a climate of tension
Photo: l'Express

Finance Minister Dr Renganaden Padayachy has claimed that the Motion of no-confidence by Opposition Leader Xavier-Luc Duval against PM Pravind Jugnauth was an “attempt to create a climate of tension, division and doubt”.

“This motion confirms that the opposition will stop at nothing to try to obtain political gains even if it means jeopardizing the stability of the country,” Padayachy was cited as saying by l’Express.

He said Mauritius has suffered two successive contractions: 6.9% for the fiscal year 2019/2020 and 5.4% for the fiscal year 2020/2021 – and recorded a deficit of Rs 122 billion in terms of foreign currency inflow.

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