Mauritius revealed as the world’s top surfing hotspot

New research by Superdry has revealed the countries around the world which are best for adventure travel, with Croatia, Israel and Hong Kong emerging as the top three destinations perfect for adrenaline junkies.
Mauritius does not find its way in the Top 20 but still manages to be considered as the Best Country for surfing.
The research analysed 99 countries against a number of different factors including hiking, camping, surfing, rock climbing, kayaking and the number of national parks in each country. An ‘Outdoor Adventure’ score was then formulated to reveal the best destinations for those looking for an activity-filled break.
The surfing, skydiving and hiking hotspots of the world
While some travellers may be up for taking part in all types of activities while on their adventures, some may have a preferred activity or sport of choice, which leads them to explore certain countries over others.
Best country for hiking – Hong Kong with one hike per 0.8 square miles
Best country for camping – Australia with 193,027 #campingcountry Instagram hashtags
Best country for visiting national parks – Singapore with one national park per 0.8 square miles
Best country for rock climbing – Malta with one rock climbing activity every 3.4 square miles
Best country for surfing – Mauritius with one surfing activity every 21.9 square miles
Best country for kayaking – Singapore with one kayaking activity every 6.7 square miles
Best country for skydiving – France with 130 skydiving sites overall
Surfing is becoming an ever more popular sport for tourists to try while on their travels, and it was Mauritius that was revealed as the country with the most opportunities to ride the waves in.
Whether you’re trying kite-surfing, wind-surfing or more traditional styles of surfing, Mauritius has one surfing activity for every 21.9 square miles of land, meaning there are plenty of opportunities to jump on a board and try some watersports.
Original article at The Dubrovnik Times