De l’Estrac: “Authorities are deaf, but I will speak anyway.”

“The authorities are deaf, but I will speak anyway.” Such were the words of Jean- Claude de l’Estrac in an interview with Defi Media during the week-end.
Speaking on Friday’s violent protests, the former secretary general of the Indian Ocean Commission and ex-boss of La Sentinelle media group, said the reasons behind the anger of Mauritians are legitimate.
“I expect those in power to first show empathy towards those who can no longer take it. I listened to the words of the Prime Minister. I found that he dramatically lacked consideration towards those who demonstrated, because they are struggling to feed themselves.”
De l’Estrac proposed the introduction of a Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) for those with low salaries, to be financed by freezing all “prestigious, non-priority public investments.”