Mauritius promotes long-term visas for remote workers

Mauritius is actively promoting long-term visas for remote workers while seeking wealthier holiday makers to boost tourism revenue, with visitor numbers unlikely to match pre-pandemic levels for as many as four years.
The premium visa allows people to work remotely from the country for as long as a year, and wants richer tourists to make extended trips, said Nilen Vencadasmy, chairman of the Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority.
The average length of tourism stays has gone up to about 15 nights from 10 before the pandemic, pushing average revenue per tourist to Rs84,000 from Rs45,000, Vencadasmy said.
Some of that is due to currency depreciation.
“We assumed that people would travel less but for longer periods,” he said, “And this is exactly what we are witnessing since we’ve reopened.”