Diesel-loaded ship runs aground off coast Port Louis

A Taiwanese-flagged longliner, the Wen Hung Dar No. 168, has run aground on a sandbar in Pointe-aux-Sables, 897 m from the coast.
The incident occurs a year after the Lu Rong Yuan Yu 588 and 18 months after the MV Wakashio ran aground on the reefs at Pointe d’Esny.
L’Express newspaper cited Police Press Officer Inspector Shiva Coothen as claiming the incident was triggered by swells and gusts related to cyclone Emnati.
However, maritime expert Alain Malherbes severely criticized the National Coast Guard and the Mauritius Ports Authority as being a “bunch of incompetents” who are allegedly “more interested in fighting each other for promotions instead of doing the job they are paid for by taxpayers.”
Currently, 25 crew members are still on the fishing boat, which is 50 m long and 6 m wide. The boat is filled up with 90 tonnes of diesel.
L’Express reported that it was at 2.15 am on Wednesday morning that the NCG and the MPA received a distress signal. A first towing operation was unsuccessful.
Malherbe claimed the vessel was too close to the coast. “Two days ago, I had warned that it was very close to Rivière-Noire. And I had alerted the port authorities.”
A Polygreen team is mobilized on site to take action in the event of a diesel spill.
The Greek anti-pollution vessel Vasileos P, which helped authorities of Reunion Island following the grounding of the Tresta Star is reportedly on its way to Pointe-aux-Sables.
Hossen ismael
23/02/2022 at 16:07
Its all about job n promotions .no one cares